Compare And Contrast Essay


What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

This type of essay has two subjects that may be similar or different. Good compare and contrast essays do not state the obvious. What they are meant for is the illumination of subtle differences or similarities between two subjects. The essay will outline from the get-go the items to be compared and contrasted or both. To do this effectively, you cannot choose two items that are too different from each other. For instance, it cannot be apples and oranges simply based on the fact that they are both fruits. A better comparison would be of two types of apples.

If the challenge of developing a well-structured compare and contrast essay is causing you undue stress, then StudyMoose essay writing services can provide the expert assistance you need.

How to compare and contrast essays are quite interesting as they require the writer to extensively research to find similarities and differences that are not so obvious to the reader. It is an eye-opener. The structure is simple, too, as the bigger part of the job is in findings. There will be an introduction, the body, and a conclusion. The conclusions for compare and contrast essays summarize the whole writing with only a few words.

How to write a Compare and Contrast Essay

Essays about compare and contrast require you to make up your mind from the get-go – will you be comparing or contrasting two subjects? You will then select the topic for discussion based on the decision and then start working on the introduction. The opening should be engaging to make the reader want to get to the end of the text. As you conclude your intro, bring out your thesis.

The structure of the body will depend on your target audience. What would they prefer – paragraphs explaining the similarities and/or differences or bullet points? As an essay by students, bullet points are preferred because they make the content scannable.

When comparing two subjects, it helps to choose those that share similarities. Comparing two apples to each other will give you more similar qualities than their differences. They are both fruits that pack similar nutrients with some differences in flavor profiles and some micronutrients. For the most part, they are similar. If you were to take an apple versus orange, then you have the ideal platform for contrast. They may both be fruits alright, but they do have different profiles of nutrients, flavor, and even their physical appearance. These essays on compare and contrast need proper preparation since you would have to find these traits of each subject before you start writing.

When writing compare and contrast essays, you want to remember to pay attention to grammar. Editing before handing in your assignment is always a good idea. Where possible, have a fresh set of eyes look over your work to be sure it's good to hand in. Also, there are plenty of samples of compare and contrast essays online to help you when and if you get lost.

Compare And Contrast Essay Examples

  • Compare and Contrast About Two Cities

Compare and Contrast About Two Cities

  • Compare and contrast paper about two short stories

Compare and contrast paper about two short stories

  • Compare and Contrast on High School and College

Compare and Contrast on High School and College

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay Structure?

First, we need to break these two terms down. To compare two subjects to each other, we must look at their similarities. We will then assemble them to show that though they might be two different subjects, they are quite alike in various ways. In contrast, we are looking at what sets one apart from the other. Before getting to the table that either contrasts, compares, or does both, we need to explain the subjects individually.

The first step in structuring this is setting aside topics for compare and contrast essays. This could take some brainstorming with the team to get to the right topic. Almost every area of life has contrasts and so finding an ideal discussion topic should be the least of your worries.

You then want to organize the subjects by putting down all the qualities they possess individually before you can show how they differ or compare. After this, you can now have a table where each subject has its qualities outlined. One of the best things about these essays is that the tables used make it easy to visualize how one differs from the other or how similar they are. The table is filled in point form.

The writing in essays compare and contrast must go beyond simple thinking to expound on the qualities of the subject matter and then explain how you reached your conclusions. This takes some legwork because before you even get started with the writing, you will need to have done thorough research. The essence is to go beyond the obvious and tell the reader of the qualities they may have missed by just looking at the elements in the discussion. Only then can you create good hooks for compare and contrast essays.

Think about Statement

Arguable thesis means that it can be argued. It must either state or refute an argument about your topic. To be debateable, a thesis must have some possibility of being true. However, the thesis should not be universally accepted as true. Instead, it should be something that people can disagree with. A thesis can be both an observation or an opinion.

observation + opinion (the "why") = thesis

Seeing if your thesis creates a powerful antithesis is an excellent approach to determine how strong it is.

Common thesis pitfalls:

  • A thesis in the form of a fragment.
  • A thesis that is overly broad.
  • A thesis that is phrased as a question. (The thesis is usually derived from the solution to the question.)
  • Extraneous information is included in a thesis.
  • A thesis that begins with the words "I believe" or "In my opinion."

Outline and format of a Compare and Contrast Essay

If you check examples of compare and contrast essays, you will see some that make use of Venn diagrams. Others are in the form of charts, while others are simply shown as tables. It really doesn't matter which one you choose as long as it makes sense to your audience.

The introduction will set the pace for this form of essay. You will then have the body paragraph right after. It will weave in the relationship between the subject matters. You will then have the rest of the write-up to follow as you go. A table or chart that visually explains the differences or similarities will come right before the conclusion. Check out a sample of compare and contrast essays online if you still need some help bringing it out right.

Do you need Compare and Contrast Essay Sample? You're at the right place

It helps to see a sample of work done in similar formats, especially when you are writing this type of essay for the first time. We do have compare and contrast essays examples priced right to suit you at any stage of your education. These essays compare and contrast examples are written by a team of experts in various fields, and so you know there is no limit to the help we can offer.

What you get with us are high-quality essay samples that align with your topic of choice. Our experts can help you choose examples of topic sentences for compare and contrast essays, too, if you'd like help with that too.

Also, check out these Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

There are so many options when it comes to topics on sample essays compare and contrast. As long as two subjects have comparative qualities, you have so much to work with when writing these essays. There are also quite a number of examples of college compare and contrast essays online that you can borrow from or switch things up a little to get the topic suitable for you.

Here are some free examples of compare and contrast essays and topics you can use for your research:

  • To use alternative medicine or not
  • Psychologist vs psychiatrist
  • Modern medicine vs natural remedies
  • Cosmetic surgery or not
  • Female vs male gynecologists
  • At-home care vs care at the hospital
  • Home schools or conventional schooling
  • Android or iOS
  • Netflix vs amazon prime
  • Conversations with humans in person or social media
  • Machine learning or IoT
  • Saving money or investing it
  • Shares or 401k
  • Online learning or in-campus schools
  • Economic growth and political unrest
  • GDP or NDP
  • GDP vs GDP per capita
  • Using alternative healthcare or not
  • Psychologist vs psychiatrist: What’s the difference?
  • Medicines vs natural remedies
  • Plastic surgery or not
  • Clinics or hospitals: Better for care?
  • Female vs male doctors
  • Mobile healthcare units or stationary clinics
  • Care at hospital vs care at home
  • High school vs college
  • Public vs private college
  • E-books or text books
  • Virtual vs real classrooms
  • Cloud classrooms or not
  • Picking right disciplines and career success
  • Attending classes vs attending seminars
  • Autobiography vs. memoir
  • Mightiness of the pen vs. mightiness of the sword
  • Email communication vs. hand-written letters
  • Speaking vs. writing
  • British English vs. American English
  • Formal writing vs. colloquial language
  • Book vs. the movie version
  • Students, Who Work Vs Unemployed Students: Who Takes the Best of This Life?
  • Research Paper and Essay: What Is More Responsible?
  • Comparing Life with Parents to Living on Campus
  • Part-Time Jobs Vs Seasonal Jobs
  • Traditional classes vs Online course
  • Bachelor Degree vs Associate degree
  • Prescription drugs and natural alternatives

These are just some of the options you can explore in the various sectors of life. As long as the two subjects have their unique qualities, you can do so much with any selected topic.

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